The 3rd Itoshima curry buffet was held !!!第3回カレービュッフェありがとうございました!!!

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DSC_0257 皆さん 本当にありがとうございます。 第3回カレービュッフェ  大盛況でした。                                        6ケ国のカレーは一言でカレーと言っても、それぞれ見た目も味も違い 奥が深いことを実感しました。                       日本舞踊、フィリピンの歌、ジャグリングとアトラクションも もりだくさんでした。                                           年代も 国籍も違う 沢山の方に出会えてよかったです。
                                                                                                                                  A lot of people participated the Itoshima Curry Buffet !!
(Actually which was further beyond we expected ,so rice ran out halfway and we dashed to buy rice to the shop nearby.)
This year ,curries from 6 countries such as Nepal, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Japan were provided.
Each curry has different appearance and different taste. But every curry satisfied us fully .(Though some people said the amount of curry and rice was not enough!!!)
And we also enjoyed seeing Japanese dancers who performed, Filipino who sung a song and some juggling entertainment from Japanese.
They were all excellent !
As for Japanese from baby up to elderly people, and also some foreigners from many countries enjoyed this event.
That`s just the
exchange not only internationally but also between generations.!!!
would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in this event.

Thank you ,everyone. We had fun talking with all of you.

